Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Natural or not ?

Hey sexy hunks and babes .

As promised I'd blog more often now , it may not be interesting but hey c'mon I'm trying .
"You never try you never know" you said .
I'm still trying to find my own style but I really have no idea sigh .


First time wearing my stockings to school today .
And just because I couldn't find a suitable bag to match my outfit , I went to school only with my mac and a tiny book . I didn't even bring my wallet nor my pencil case .

I look waaaaaay retarded here so let's just focus our attention at the 'self-proclaimed' princess .

My eyebags omg it's so big and dark omg I need to do something to it ...

Oh well look at the qtpies we've got here .

Oh what a weird hair I have so yeah look at the pretty girl instead .

I kind of like this photo I've no idea why .
Maybe cos my hair looks natural here ?

Sometimes it just gets out of the way and such , always got this urge to chop everything off but nah I know I'd look hideous with short hair . Can't bear to chop my pretty long hair away either . But you know my hair really looks weird at times sigh . Why can't I have perfect nice hair .

My hair is not natural by the way . I've rebonded it upteen times . My hair is like natural curly , not the nice wavy curls pretty girls have , but those damn ugly frizzy curls I hate the most . You know see my roots it's all frizzy hair , omg I HATE IT .

I've always wanted to try to dye my hair , but I'm always very hesistant when I actually am going to do it . It's like I just like my hair being natural . Since it's already not natural at one point (cos it's rebonded) , I should have it natural at another point (which is natural hair colour) . True much ?


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